The Pinker Tones Diary. All the latest news, photos and videos direct from PinkerLand!


Hello fellow vans-warpedians!

I hope you’re all safe and on your busses. It’s been quite scary, hu? Anyway, for those of you who are not in Bonner Springs, Kansas, at this precise moment you won’t know what I’m talking about. I’ll tell you right now: we’ve had a very nasty storm. We apparently were under flash flood alarm, and about an hour ago, and in a matter of minutes, we were surrounded by an incredible thunderstorm, with lightning coming from all sides, and a very strong wind blowing away everything that wasn’t nailed down to the floor.

It started with a gigantic black clowd covering us in minutes. Suddenly it started to rain heavily and all stages had to suspend immediately. The festival became a chaos and everybody had to look for shelter. Suddenly somebody knocked on the door of our bus. It was four girls of the audience, and we let them in and gave them towels. While they called their parents, we found out –looking through the rear window of the bus– that the backstage fence was gone, as many of the tents… Desolation… and fun! As soon as the wind calmed down a bit, people went out into the rain to have a shower, whilst others still were struggeling to load their trucks as they could. We all took our cameras and started to film and shoot, but Profesor Manso is the real photographer of this expedition and he went out there; and the image on top is one of the photos he took. The full album will be on our flickr tomorrow.

We hope nobody got hurt and that the tour can go on with everybody onboard! Maybe it will cheer you up to know that there’s some pinker evening entertainment coming up: tomorrow Dj Niño will spin the decks at the Alternative Press party at The Double Wide, 3510 Commerce St, 214-887-6510, and on the 5th we will play a full set at the evening backstage Barbecue in San Antonio. See you tomorrow in Dallas!

Bestos regardos,

Untatooedly yours,

Mr. Furia a.k.a. Working Bee # 1

P.S.: Second from the left on the picture above is Kate Perry dancing in the rain!

1 Comment»

  nacho wrote @

Saludos working bees,

Primero que todo quisiera felicitarlos por toda su musica, la primera vez que lso escuche estuve buscando por todos lados para comprar sus discos pero no encontraba nada hasta que por emusic finalmente me pude descargar TMCR, BCN Connection y mas reciente Wild Animals… sin dar mas rodeos quisiera saber si tienen planeado volver a venezuela ya que me perdi de su gira pasada y quisiera tener una chance de poder verlos en vivo, ojala sea posible que regresen a venezuela,


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